A priest who was about to be charged with sex abuse has committed suicide. Reading about this event in the newspaper has led me to follow various links and read about this diocese's history. What the freak is going on there? Let me clear some things up.
1. This is the Roman Catholic Church. It is led by the Pope. Our Pope is named Pope Benedict XVI and he is located in a place called The Vatican located in Rome, Italy. The Pope is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. He is the direct heir of the key and seat of St Peter. When the Pope makes decisions you are to follow his decisions. That's why this is the Roman Catholic Church and not the Church of Whatever Down the Street. If you have a problem with the Pope I suggest you join the Church of Whatever Down the Street.
2. Secret associations of "priests" are an abomination to the Lord. You either are part of the Catholic Church and serving Jesus Christ in the open and in obedience or you are not. This is not a place for secret organizations, and twice as much for those who send threatening letters to fellow priests or the laity. I cannot believe what I am reading. Consider moving to the Church of Whatever Down the Street. God will judge members of secret associations who undermine his Church.
3. Bishops and other church leaders are to respect the desire of their parishioners for traditional mass. It is fine to discuss challenges in their implementation, but I expect teamwork, not disrespectful shutting down of dialogue. They are also to respect church sacred art and property that may have to be dismantled and at least offer this material reverentially to impoverished parishes and not humiliate Jesus Christ by throwing the fixtures of his church in dumpsters. While this happened some years ago I suspect the same mentality exists and I suggest per some brotherly advice that you change that disrespect.
4. If you have a problem with chastity, whether straight or gay, obey the Pope's motu to consider not applying for a religious vocation. If you want to be trolling, forget being part of this Church. If you find that you are sincere about being celibate but still immerse yourself in the culture of sexuality that you have forsworn to be ordained, then you are not placid in your vows and you are not suited for the priesthood. Priests are to be 100% devoted to their vocation and to Jesus Christ Crucified. If you are struggling with your sexuality you are robbing Jesus Christ and his flock of what you have vowed to give, and you are a ticking time bomb. You may think that society is "evolving" and that may be so, but the Church is not a place of social experimentation and angst. Find a place more suitable, lest God judge you.