Monday, June 11, 2007

Paris Hilton

Everyone is understandably cynical about hearing that Paris Hilton has found, or is finding God. Hearing about this through a talk show host that gives me hives on a good day is about as reassuring as hearing it from her publicist lol.

Still, I believe her. I believe that she is certainly thinking about God, and that is the first step. I support her in wherever this takes her, and urge her to eat, drink, relax as much as possible and read the Bible.

I'd tell her not to worry about stupid potty pictures or whatever. Jesus Christ suffered much worse humiliation, as did martyrs after him, many of whom were just little children. The body is the temple of the soul, but it is just the temple, not the soul itself. When I was in college I was crushed to find that cruel pictures of me were being created and passed around for derision. Letting go of that worry is a not insignificant part of finding God.

If I were talking to her I would tell her to start with my most recent two posts. The explanation of the "golden rule" misunderstanding leads her to passages that do much to put what is essential to knowing God and Jesus Christ in place.

The post about Saint Joseph would help her not in the sense of needing a father image, but rather, learning how reading about a saint can teach qualities to aspire to. Few people are going to be able to check off *yep, I've done that* next to each item in that long list of Saint Joseph. But imagine taking just one and meditating upon it, and putting Bible readings in that context.

For example, if I were speaking to our youth today, I'd point them to the Saint Joseph title and quality:

Model of Righteousness
"Joseph most just, make us relish what is right."

Isn't this a wonderful prayer and avocation? I love the use of the word "relish." Relativism and "anything goes" and "live for today" has left a flat taste in the mouth, like salt that is no longer salty (as Jesus speaks of too.) Being a baseball fan, I think of hot dog relish, and being a Chinese food fan, I think of sweet and sour. Part of finding God is developing a taste for the "zest" and "relish" of doing what is right. People think they are leading exciting lives, but without God, even the fun things do go flat and become tasteless. Being righteous is like putting just the right amount of hot mustard and duck sauce together, and finding that "zing." It's taking a stand for what is right, not what one can get away with, or what everyone else is doing. With that comes knowledge of and confidence in God, and in one's self.

I wish her well and ask people for some understanding that the journey to God is often a zigzag. Many great leaders, average joes, and people living in the margins of life have found the time and will to be converted while in jail. And so I wish her a good conversion!

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