Why do I read comments by idiots who post on news story boards?
I was reading yet ANOTHER story of a toddler being beaten to death with the alleged perpetrator (who confessed) on trial. There was a bevy of comments about how people who were angry and indignant about this murder should not be so enraged because "Jesus" and "God" forgives all sins. HUH? Um, these posters obviously don't spend a lot of time reading their Bible. Check out the Book of Revelations. Many who call "Lord, Lord" will not be saved and will be cast into hell for their sins. What kind of God are these posters thinking of who are already looking forward to God forgiving a child murderer (alleged) while the murderer is still on trial fighting the charges? Has not repented or performed penance of his sentence? Keep dreaming.... or rather, have a clue by reading what Jesus himself said about those who harm children.
God is capable of forgiving anything, but genuine confession, remorse, contrition, penance, restitution and purging of the sin must take place before God will even consider forgiving a sin. Wow, what a phony pastel color world some people live in. Justice first, then mercy.