Saturday, September 29, 2007

Run From "Jungians"... I sure have

If you are considering being psychoanalyzed or participating in some sort of counseling based on a psychological or spiritual school of belief, run for your life from “Jungians.”

Carl Jung was a genius and his methodology for psychoanalysis is sound. However, his successors have perverted his system into a paganism and New Age travesty that is heretical and harmful.

Jung himself was a Christian and a believer. He understood that Jesus Christ lived, died, and was resurrected. He understood that the just went to heaven. I remember he would speculate about whether those in heaven know about events on earth, a topic that many Christians still discuss. I therefore learned the Jungian system and endorsed it for the psychoanalysis of humans regarding their life here on earth.

Jungians, though, have abandoned Jung’s sound Christian belief. Many of them are reincarnationists, believers in New Age “karma” (that trash can for explaining any behavior or event without taking personal responsibility for one’s own one time life and one’s own soul), gossipers (they do not maintain confidentiality because they have “think groups” aka covens to discuss their “reincarnation” discoveries among their patients), pagans (by perverting the theory that archetypes describe patterns of human behavior and instinct into animating archetypes into god and goddess type of beings), and bad practitioners (they interpret dreams and so forth in the context of the “identity” they think you really are based on their New Age beliefs, so they are not objective or “safe containers” in the least. They would advise you to walk off a cliff if they think that’s your karma or reincarnation “doom,” without telling you that is what they are thinking.)

It is a shame because the original work of Jung is so rich and has such potential if it is used as a psychoanalytical tool and not as a religion replacement. I had considered writing a book that would be structured along the lines that if Jung was still alive, in this troubled society, what would he advise a psychoanalyst. When I realized what a clique (and of course the psycho stalking) that takes place among many Jungians, however, I abandoned that idea (and them) like a hot potato.

When I was interning and still advocating Jung, many non-Jungians looked at me like they thought I was crazy. That is because some of them were aware of these abuses of Jung and specifically how Jungians have abused me. They figured I was a mighty dumb cluck to not know about it. I did, actually, but just because “followers” of a belief have perverted it does not mean that the originator, in this case Jung, did not have much of value. I’ve always been pretty good at recognizing the wheat from the chaff. (Hint: what happens to wheat and chaff in the Apocalypse).

Some of you, the few, who might be good Christians who are also Jungians might object and feel hurt by what I have written. Let me assure you that if you exist I don’t doubt your motivations, but know that your Jungian colleagues probably figure you are an idiot who doesn’t get it and treat you as such behind your back. They will publish your papers and books according to when Mercury is retrograde or whatever, and figure out that you were the sexually molested idiot girl (whether you are now a man or a woman lol) of a Pacific island back in the 1600’s anyway, and that the archetypes are giving you another chance to not be such a stupid loser in this life. I found that thinking pretty icky, don’t you? I wish I were kidding or exaggerating but if anything I am understating what I have personally observed over the years.

So this is why even though I remain so very fond of Carl Jung in my heart, I won’t touch any of the contemporary works or practices that are attributed to his school of thought, because it is corrupt and anti-Christian, anti-Jewish and anti-Islam because of the paganism.