Tuesday, September 18, 2007

When women became mean; sports my refuge

By the way, just because I enjoy sports does not mean I am “masculine” (or just too dumb to realize I’m a reincarnated male ha ha, for you idiots who still believe in reincarnation). I grew up in a time when women talked about babies, homemaking, and being alluring… and these were often women with jobs, by the way, not homebound zombies. I remember twenty years ago hearing about the accident at Chernobyl while I was at work. I was actually having lunch with a younger colleague, who I liked very much, and she was so feminine, totally into disco dancing after work with her boyfriend. I loved talking to her! She had great fingernails (manicured herself, not fiberglass from some manicurist LOL) and she gave me advice about how to grow my very soft fingernails. That was what we were discussing, at lunch break, when we heard about Chernobyl.

But not long after that women discovered PMS and it was the beginning of them being unbearable to talk to. Literally, meanness, victimization and “bitching” replaced a good half of the conversation of women. While I dealt with monthly cramps with Midol, a heating pad, and exercise (that love of sports) more and more women started worshipping a war goddess of PMS. Man hating through PMS “jokes” became OK. I stopped talking to those women.

And now, can you believe what “women” want to talk about? Their “right” to tear a baby apart out of their womb. Strippers and pole dancing. Girl on girl kissing and the “plasticity” of lesbianism. Oral sex. Competing to be in rap videos where they can have a credit card swiped in their butt crack. And of course their endless victimization. (And by the way, abuse is very real, but I’m amazed how they cheapen violence at the same time they suffer from it). This is what most of the public discourse is about today.

So you wonder why I listen to baseball hour after hour, and am learning to like listening to endless football discussion? If I can’t discuss babies, homemaking and being alluring with women who actually love themselves as real women and who live that way (even while working on a job) then I’d rather listen to lots of real guys.