For the Jewish faithful I offer you blessings on this beginning of Rosh Hashanah. Even my very secular, agnostic Jewish ex-husband took seriously this time of opening the book, before closing it for another year.
For my Muslim friends I offer you blessings at this holy month of Ramadan. I have a good friend who is Pakistani-American, who worked for me back in 1996-7. I remember his strict obedience to each day’s fast, conducted in great joy as he told me of the meals with his loved wife and three sons before dawn, and at night. And he worked long days with long hard commutes, so his sacrifice was all the more impressive. I smile when I think of his determination, even when very dehydrated and calorie deprived!!
Dear Catholic family, and also Muslim friends who love Mary, today was a feast day of The Most Holy Name of Mary. While this day was designated due to a historic military event when Christians conflicted with Turks and called on Mary’s name, remember that she would much rather be loved as the conqueror of hearts through her example of maternal love for everyone, and total obedience to God. “All the rich among the people seek Your favor. Behind her the virgins of her train are brought to the King. They are borne in to You with gladness and joy. My heart overflows with a goodly theme; as I sing my ode to the King. Glory be.” (Psalms 44, 2, 13, 15, 16). I am appreciative of the love that Catholics give Mary, and also the affection of the Muslim people for her, and am not appreciative toward those who lie about her and disrespect her. I am also not fond of liars who falsely claim to be part of her and who in their words and deeds profane her name. We all know who they are.
Today was a quiet day for me, as usual. Although I worked on one of my favorite things, which is to make a gift basket for someone in need. I shop for items specifically for their recovery, faith and comfort. Today's was for a lady who is in the hospital after being severely assaulted.