Satan’s gift to humans: Marijuana/cannabis
And, of course, all the abuse of illegal drugs and prescriptions. But Satan is especially proud of his gift of marijuana/cannabis to humans. Satan likes to deceive, and to use human’s own “good” instincts against themselves. So marijuana is just perfect for his intentions.
I went to college in the early 1970’s and was one of a handful of people who never used any drugs, including not even “trying a puff.” People have thought I’m a corny dunce for a long time. But who are the sad idiots now? Read this sad story of an aristocratic girl who commits suicide after cannabis induced mental illness:
Liberal propaganda has denied the harm inflicted by marijuana for over thirty years now. Besides the obvious problems that I don’t want my children or myself in a vehicle that is being driven by someone who has been toking, it is obvious to anyone who is objective that changing mental pathways is wrong. Humans evolved to certain mental wiring for a reason. Some argue the problem is just because marijuana is stronger now than it was, and that may be true, but that does not mean that “light” doping of your mental circuits is right either.
Satan loves drugs (and alcohol abuse) because they are, however light the “abuse,” barriers between God and people. The rap that Satan gives, just like the apple for Eve, is that drugs are “mind expanding,” “pain relievers,” “enlightening,” and “natural.” Thinking people should be suspicious of an argument that something unnatural to the evolution of humans, such as the introduction of mind altering drugs, is of benefit to humans. Think about it. Why would not humans be constantly self medicating if it was essential to their survival and evolution? In fact, it is to the contrary. This is why Satan loves advocating marijuana, because not only is it contra to human’s overall survival, but mind altering drugs help to drown out the subtle voices of God and one’s guardian angel.
Parents who exposed their children to drug use will be severely chastised. Drug dealers and providers of all scale of operation will be severely chastised. I’m just stating what should be abundantly clear to anyone who has any thought process or understanding of God’s personal judgment.