Here is a personal reminiscence that I want to share as a warning to Catholics, Muslims and Orthodox Jews to beware of cult activity that is everywhere and very destructive to the souls of the perpetrators, and causes great pain to the victims. It is called "New Age" but also disguises itself in non orthodoxy (like gnostic) "Christianity." Jews who have converted to Buddhism also participate.
I am a lifelong Catholic and have a special relationship with God from the moment of my first thoughts as a baby. I can affirm the truth of the Roman Catholic teaching from this knowledge. However, because my mission is not to modify anything that has been written in the Bible or the Qur'an, I had been silent and tried to lead a normal life as a youngster. I had planned to help people to understand their Abrahamic faiths and return to orthodoxy in belief and practice much later in life. I also knew that I would have a partner in this teaching.
However I did not realize that cultists had identified me even as a small child as someone who might have special knowledge. These people have a gypsy mentality with belief in astrology to gain power over people and also believe in reincarnation. They believe the profanity that they are even reincarnated versions of saints. My Muslim brothers and sisters, you can imagine how I feel about this, if you imagine if people ran around claiming to be one of the Imams (peace be upon them) reincarnated and yet be heretics to Islam! These people consider themselves participants in past Christian religious history, but are hostile to the Roman Catholic Church, the Church to whom I attest and avow.
When I was only about 13 years of age and living in a small town I was "befriended" by a girl my age who lived in the city and who met me at a science fair, saying she liked astronomy like I did. I enjoy math and science and had observed the stars, for science, using astronomy. Her family invited me to go with them to Washington DC for an astronomy conference. I was very excited, living as I was in a small town and being oppressed in the family who are not gracious to God, although they did at least attend Church.
I was immediately alarmed though I did not show it because on the drive to Washington they "decided" to stay at the home of some sort of married Christian pastor. They did not say much about him but I was extremely uncomfortable with this surprise decision, and especially as this was not a Roman Catholic. So even though I never let on, which is easy because I was reserved beyond my years even as a child, I was on guard and worried. On the surface nothing untoward happened but I was aware of being "checked out" by this so called minister and his family. We listened to a new Beatles record (this is how long ago it was, as the Beatles were still recording) and I was very uncomfortable because I strongly disapproved of even the most talented artists who had lyrics praising drug use. In fact I did not buy such artists for decades after their fame because of my disapproval of drug messages. I wondered what minister brings a Catholic girl into his house while his family "checks her out" and plays such music without checking with the parents if this is appropriate.
They were also oddly insistent that I eat certain foods. I did not know waffles but they insisted I eat them until I practically burst and I hated them for many years as a result.
At the astrology conference I had a good time with my friend and tried to joke around, but noticed that even my jokes were taken in some strange ways. At one point I had to chastise the mother of my friend for addressing me in a way that was not appropriate to my age. She was, and this is hard to explain, but you could say that she was keenly interested in the one year difference in age between my friend and me and the implications of it. What implications I wondered? I knew something was wrong and was alert. It was later that I realized these were not "astronomy" people but "astrology reincarnation believing cult Christian exploiters." Upon my return home we did not pursue the friendship and at first I was puzzled, but it was exactly then that I realized they had probably "gotten the information they wanted" (which would be faulty because it was based on faulty assumptions, about reincarnation and so forth.)
Here is what makes me so angry I could use a flamethrower. If they wanted to know something they could have asked me two questions that would have changed the course of the past forty years. They could have asked me:
o Do you believe in reincarnation? They would have seen my genuine amazement as I would have laughed and scoffed and said, I attest, there is no reincarnation. I know this from both the Bible and from personal knowledge. I would have set them straight right at that moment.
o Do you believe in the Jesus story as it is in the Bible and why are you Catholic? I would have told them of course the Bible is accurate (and I would have explained the Qur'an also attests to the reality of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah). I also would have affirmed that the Roman Catholic Church is the true unbroken lineage from Jesus Christ and the Apostles through the Chair of St. Peter, the Popes, to today.
A great deal of pain and torment would have been avoided, to say nothing of the unbelievable error that these thinking people have perpetrated in the world at large. Instead of asking the questions that any simpleton would have asked, they assumed they "knew" the secret knowledge and did their stupid things of trying to identify "past lives" by observing a person's preferences for objects, activities, what they eat, what they say, and by their stupid profane astrology charts. (I had a "special" birthday and my father had a "special" date of death, so this is how they glommed onto my family and forced us into some ridiculous and painful relationship based on witchcraft and meanness of spirit). Yet they consider themselves Christians and the Roman Catholics were considered the "bad guys."
If I had known that I had been consciously targeted (I thought throughout my youth that people were accidentally stumbling upon my "specialness") I would have corrected them immediately. And they would perhaps not hurt as many people as they have, as they have manipulated thousands through the years. And further, I could have saved them from the severe chastisement they will receive from Allah, as God the Father.