On Trust in God
"Let Us Not be Afraid of the Future, Even When it Appears Bleak"
VATICAN CITY, NOV. 18, 2007 ( Here is a translation of the address Benedict XVI delivered today before reciting the midday Angelus with several thousand people gathered in St. Peter's Square.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
In today's Gospel passage St. Luke re-proposes the biblical vision of history for our reflection and reports the words of Jesus that invite the disciples not to have fear but to face difficulties, misunderstandings and even persecutions with trust, persevering in faith in him."When you hear of wars and insurrections," the Lord says, "do not be terrified; for such things must happen first, but it will not immediately be the end" (Luke 21:9). Mindful of this admonition of the Lord, the Church has from the very beginning lived in the prayerful expectation of the Lord's return, scrutinizing the signs of the times and putting the faithful on guard against recurring messianic movements that from time to time proclaim that the end of the world is imminent.In reality, history must follow its course, which also brings human dramas and natural calamities with it. A plan of salvation that Christ has already carried out in his incarnation, death, and resurrection develops in history. The Church continues to proclaim and realize this mystery through preaching, the celebration of the sacraments and the witness of charity.
Dear brothers and sisters, let us welcome Christ's invitation to face daily events trusting in his providential love. Let us not be afraid of the future, even when it appears bleak to us, for the God of Jesus Christ, who took up history to open it up to its transcendent fulfillment, is its alpha and omega, the beginning and the end (cf. Revelation 1:8). He guarantees that in every little but genuine act of love the meaning of the whole universe is contained, and those who do not hesitate to lose their lives for him, will find them again in fullness (cf. Matthew 16:25).
(see rest of the address at the above link)
Do read the rest of this great address. Not only is it enlightening and comforting on this subject, but as usual the Pope kindly touches upon current events and problems, such as the cyclone in Bangladesh, his admonitions against anti-personnel mines and so forth.
Many people outside the Catholic Church do not realize how "real time" the Pope is about urging truly Christian values on politicians, groups at conflict, those who arm them, and the natural and manmade tragedies of the world. If you get in the habit of reading what he says each week you will see no other religious leader is speaking for the values of Jesus Christ as does the Pope.
Notice that he is never asking for donations or gloating how he will be "saved" or "raptured" while others won't. Who is truly speaking for Jesus Christ? Hmmm.