Tude3: God is ever present and does not need to prove to you
I read the usual whining that recently God hasn’t “proved” he is here by performing any command performances or tricks (previously known as miracles, but now that everyone is skater boi or gurl I’ll allude to a miracle as an extreme sport trick for your mental convenience).
God is everywhere and constantly supportive of every move and breath that every person takes. I’ll prove this to you through a mental exercise. Suppose you are in a situation of extreme loneliness, isolation and despair. You may have no family, friends, loved one, no job, no home, no roots, and be severely depressed and in pain. You might be imprisoned for something you did not do, and are treated in the harshest way. So do take a moment to imagine such a situation and how you would feel. It is easy to understand the pain, feeling of abandonment, the horror, and one could even question if God exists. But when you are having these thoughts and feelings, do you notice that you still have a kind of interior dialogue (you converse with yourself) and that this dialogue includes a perception of someone listening and also a timeline based on hope? This is the presence of God. The interior dialogue you have in your mind and your perception of time to come, even in the bleakest circumstance, is your detection of the presence of God. God is not controlling your thoughts but God is that feeling of “audience” to one’s thoughts even in the most isolated of circumstances. How can I prove it to you?
OK, imagine again that you are in the circumstance that I described, and now imagine that you have a 100 percent accurate ironclad guarantee that God and the afterlife do not exist, and you really are truly alone in a point of time that has no meaning. Humans would not live if they felt like that in reality; they would collapse into death without the presence of God. By the way, this horrifying image is a forbidding image of what hell is like in part, where God does fully remove himself from the soul. OK, so quickly stop imagining that you have that ironclad guarantee that your thoughts are lone electrons in a brain in a body where there is no God and no eternity and return to the “normal.” No matter how sad or tormented people are they rely on God whether they know it or not because God’s constant presence is the “norm” that people take for granted. God does not have to perform a trick for you; you need only use active imagination to self explore how you would feel if you were totally isolated and 100 percent assured there is no God and no afterlife and that your brain really is just squeaking to itself. Glad God is around after all, now, are you not?