Tude 2: All addictive drug use is a mortal sin and will be severely punished
This country is being destroyed by drug addiction. You have no idea how far you have deviated from God’s plan through the use of addictive drugs. Because there is no such thing as “personal choice” with addictive drug use there are the severest penalties awaiting unrepentant addictive drug users when they die and are judged.
Every time you ingest an addictive drug someone else had to grown or chemically manufacture that drug, and so you are directly responsible for leading that person into sin. If you were not buying drugs they would not be growing or manufacturing them. So by providing a market with your own stupid mouth and body you are enticing into sin both the innocent poor of the world and the wicked greedy drug providers who provide the product. YOU WILL be held responsible for the entire chain of sin responsibility.
Every time you provide an addictive drug to someone you are responsible for all the wrong the ripples in your “customer’s” or your family or friends lives as a result of their addictive drug ingestion. Whether you are the first to start them on drug addiction or you enable their addiction you are responsible for every sin (both actual sin and of sin of omission, such as their neglecting their duties as a result of addiction).
Every time you ingest an addictive drug you are doing it to be deliberately mood and mind altering and you are defying God and denying God his priority as the first in everyone’s lives. I have explained to addicts and those who love them that someone speaking to an addict is no longer speaking to that person, but actually having a conversation with the drug. This is one of the most important things you will ever hear and understand. Whether the person is “high” at the moment or not, when you speak to an addict you are having conversation with the addictive drug. This is because an addict surrenders God and life as the top priority and replaces the brain chemistry with an addictive drug ingestion scheduling program. The addictive drug user structures their entire mentality around ingestion of the drugs and their brain chemistry is not “imbalanced” it is CHANGED. The addictive drug is in charge of the person’s life, pushing God completely out, say nothing of everyone else. It may be subtle or it may be obvious but you must understand that you, like God, never has 100 percent attention of someone who ingests addictive drugs. The person who ingests addictive drugs and this includes “marijuana to take the edge off of suffering and pressure” is constantly assessing every moment of their experience against the measure of when they need their next “relief.” So this is not only a stupid and counterproductive way to live, it is also a mortal sin of the highest order because it pushes God out of one’s very being.