Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rant about depraved media empires

For decades I've been worried about the sanity of both fiction authors (including movie script writers) and the people who read or view their material.

Think about this for a moment. When you read some material that is really "edgy," don't you wonder sometimes what kind of thoughts and mental process even come up with this idea?

I had a very middle class English friend and we'd often view films together, which was one of her favorite activities. She would select them from the local rental place and I must admit, I was appalled at the depressive, morbid and, frankly, anti-sacred mentality in them. I'll talk about a few of them here. The reason I am bringing this up is that people need to realize that it is not a "requirement" of "authentic art" to come up with the most depressive and depraved scenarios and pass them off as "edgy" writing and film making. Fiction writers bear a large blame for the demise of Western culture where depressive and depraved are "the new norm."

The worst picture I ever saw was one, I forget its name, thankfully, where a rather dim English girl has visions from God (to the backdrop of Uriah Heep music). She marries an oil rig worker and gets really attached to their hot sex. He has to go to the rig to work and she misses him and prays to God to see him soon. Well, God's way of "granting her wish" was to cause an accident on the rig and he is brought home to her paralyzed and near death. Since sex is all they think about he urges her to go find someone to stuff her regularly. She does (and we are shown the crude scenes) and we soon learn that's what God wants because the more pigs who stuff her the more her husband becomes cured. So she realizes she must sail out to the tanker ship docked nearby as a whore to be abused by the brutes there because her dear hubby will be cured. She chickens out the first time and is insolent, leading those poor guys on and then pulling a gun on them to escape. Dear hubby begs her to keep up the cheap fucking. So she gets herself rowed back to the tanker so that they can rape her to death to get even with her "pulling out" the first time. Glory Be! It goes as planned. She is raped, beaten to death (but not before a sniffling scene as she's wheeled into the hospital, as unattractive as ever) and sure 'nuf, as soon as she dies hubby has a miraculous recovery.

Well, my middle class middle aged mother of two friend thought this was quite the thing. I wanted to puke. But I had pity thinking of what kind of mind could think of such a plot line, believe enough in it to write, and what losers produce it and view it?

Then there was the film, something about an Oak Tree, I tried to research it once on the web but did not find it. This was about a woman who is raped by three men because she was mute (in a kind of metaphysical way) and could not say "no." I mean, give me a freaking break.

Then there was the film where an Italian woman was so ugly that when she is condemned of a crime her sentence is to be raped to death by a line up of 100 men (who I guess were provided with bags to put over her head... I'm joking because I did not view that movie). Wild horses' asses could not have gotten me to that film, rental or not.

Then there was the more mundane but every bit as awful in effect and mind set as the awful Tom Hanks movie "Pacific Heights." I would not mind if it was advertised as a B grade horror film but again, it's Tom Hanks and it's supposed to be art. My friend (who was a landlady by the way) dragged this piece of crap home for us to view and it showed psychotic renter who sabotages the house with the idea of driving the owner land lady and land lord out. We are treated to all sorts of awful views including swarming cock roaches, a hidden partner who lives with the Stank-Hanks character, and bloody fight scene with dead husband and gory killing of the bad Stank-Hanks by the intrepid land lady. (I've had to rent two apartments since viewing that film and it has made me, well, more aware of the dynamics in the apartment renting business. I'm sure you know what I mean, some of you).

What kind of sick people think this is art and entertainment? It's not Citizen Kane folks. And can't people figure out that this is part of the skewing of what should be 95% normal human relationships into a dark picture of life that seeps into people's brains and makes them numb to imagined, and then eventually real, depravity?

I have to add the book "The Sheltering Sky" to my rant list, by the way. A cultist (see previous blogs) recommended it to me so I could learn about those "snap" moments. Well, I learned that I was right to avoid most fiction works of the past forty years or so. Again, some woman gets it up the crotch because she does not remember who she is (this time because of "malaria.") Arab men don't come off very good in it either (no surprise there, when you are going with depraved stereotypes, wee hee, let's go all the way!)

The entertainment media empire of the West is controlled by people with serious mental issues. I hope this changes. Simply put, I hope this changes. They have made enough money, "more than God" by now, and have ruined enough people in the name of "entertainment" and "art." Is it not enough on the resume? And enough to answer for when God wants to know why? Sick, sick, sick. And I've known this and pondered it (wondering how conscious an effort this is by the perpetrators) for decades now. Gosh, guess I'm not as dumb as I look. Land O Goshin!