Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sketch of Jesus & the Prophet at God's mansion

Here is a "drawing" or "sketch" of mine to enhance understanding of one aspect of Jesus.

Jesus described the Kingdom of God as being like a mansion with many rooms, where rooms are prepared by God for the faithful.

Think of a beautiful mansion with a peaceful garden in the interior courtyard (as the Qur'an also correctly sees heaven as a garden).

In my sketch of Jesus, Jesus is like the most beautiful window through which you can look into the promised mansion of God. Jesus is the actual glass, beautiful of its own but entirely transparent so that one can see into what one could not otherwise understand: the being and the house of God.


Using this image one can also think of one for Muslims. In that sketch the devout do not lose their way to the very same mansion of God because their footsteps in life are bounded by and guided by the five pillars of the Islamic Faith. The Prophet (PBUH) is inside the mansion, resting after having placed the five pillars in place along the pathway, like white marble, to guide those who follow what he learned from Allah.


Many enter the house of God through the door near this window, and Christians can think of the Jesus window as being set within the door itself. The important point is that God has placed this window there, of his own substance, so that people can better know and serve God through the focus on Jesus. Christians who focus on Jesus, who always gaze on his window and who serve and believe in what is shown, do not lose their way as they walk through troubled life toward the house of God.