Why not help out the Dalai Lama? Here are two plot ideas for you.
After he dies (and I'm not pushing for that, may God give him a long life) he is reincarnated in Tibet. The Chinese push for their own candidate, and the story is about the "real" reincarnated DL trying to restore Tibet against the false candidate DL. (Possible plot twists: they grow up together, they are in the same family, or they hook up in common cause after being opposed for decades).
Second plot idea: Better yet, after the DL dies, he is reincarnated in Tibet and the Chinese actually sponsor choosing him, not realizing it is really him, and so the false candidate DL is actually the "real" DL. (Possible plot twists: they wait until he is married and has children before identifying him as the real DL. Hollywood likes to "modernize" religions so that would be way cool, a married father who finds out he's the "real" DL in Tibet, and it's the Chinese who figure it out! Maybe called the Tibetan Code?)
Just a thought.