Tude7: Non-Catholic Christians refuse to sacrifice to God
People were “hurt” that Pope Benedict said that those Christians outside of the Catholic Church are “incomplete.” Well, let me be more blunt and clear.
Throughout salvation history God has taught humans that sacrifice must be performed. I mean real sacrifice (on an altar, giving to God what is his due). When Jesus became the Savior and Messiah he did NOT eliminate the need to sacrifice to God. He created the New Covenant and became the “bloodless sacrifice.” He initiated this new bloodless sacrifice at the Last Supper and this is the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The Apostles were instructed to do this in memory of him AND HE GAVE THEM THE EXACT WORDS TO SAY. This does not mean it was a “once for all time” gesture and the Church has understood this for 2000 years. That is why the proper name of Catholic worship service is the SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. Non-Catholic Christians like to quote Jesus saying, “To render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” yet they have refused to render to God what is God’s, which is sacrifice. JESUS WAS THE FIRST CHRISTIAN PRIEST NOT THE LAST ONE.
You can see this not only in the difference between the Catholic’s reverential sacrifice of the Mass and the non Catholic’s “praise and worship service” but also in the symbolism of the cross. Because non Catholics don’t want to sacrifice to God they don’t have the body of Christ on their crosses. Even more astonishing to me is that they accuse Catholics of being “stuck in time” and “not understanding Christ’s message” by having a crucifix with the body of Christ on it! Um, yeah, Catholics are stuck in time alright; they understand that God still requires sacrifice at an altar by a priest. Hello?
Maybe if certain non-Catholics I know started worrying more about the fact that they have deprived God of his due sacrifice for hundreds of years than worrying about who I dated and whether I French kiss or not when I do, there would be more folks in heaven than hell.