I've just read an interesting and respectful dialogue between a monk and a theistic satanist. I think both did a fine job and I appreciated that it was a mutual search for information and dialogue rather than "crusing for a bruising" by either side.
I've spoken with (and been manipulated on a physical basis) by satanists, although they never admitted to being such believers and they did not realize that I know of their broader activities in the world. That is their stumbling block in understanding: they do not understand how one can be "of God" and yet physically vulnerable. Satan puzzled about that with Jesus Christ, and satanists can usually be identified by their assumption that someone who is physically vulnerable yet of God's is either weak, stupid, ill informed, or evidence that God is not "all powerful."
So this is my first mini observation. A stumbling block for satanists is that they do not understand how someone of God can allow themselves to be unprotected in a secular physical sense and not visibly and tangibly "in control." Satanists admire what they incorrectly perceive to be satan's control in the world. I'll refute the myth of his control in one of the next mini blogs.