Monday, April 21, 2008

Addendum 3

Since I knew that cultists believe that they are 'entitled' to sexual access, and also 'body part' access to people they have targeted, obviously I did something else in addition to marrying "body guards." I was extremely diligent in using birth control, including birth control pills (so that I could be as certain as possible) even within marriage. I feared from the earliest age that any child of mine would fall prey to cultists. So I ensured that I was constantly using birth control, and had no intention of having a child for that reason. I knew that any child of mine would fall prey to body part or sexual abuse from the moment of its birth. And I learned, as I infiltrated the cult, that I was correct, chillingly and horribly correct.

So anyone who points to my using birth control as being hypocritical about Catholic doctrine is a God damned cult sympathizer.