Sunday, April 27, 2008

Something to ponder

Maybe I should save this thought for tomorrow, so I can have another "daily quote" ready har har. Here it is anyway: "Stupidity brings out masculine behavior."

Now, what do I mean by this? Even the most feminine woman has to become more masculine, in direct proportion to the amount of idiotic and stupid people that she is surrounded by. Think about it.

Femininity is no longer an option to most people; it is a luxury that only money and power can afford. The more stupid idiots who surround a woman, the more she must take control and exhibit "masculine traits" for her own survival. I've seen this happen to me and to most other women with my own eyes over the past fifty years.

When my dad was alive (up until I was eight) and I had a secure home, I could be very feminine. I loved dolls and loved pretend tea parties. I loved pink fluffy dresses and tried to be pretty. But when dad died all hell broke loose. I had to manage the idiocy around me, even at a tender young age. I was still feminine and had big time crushes on male teachers and so forth, but I found that even if I didn't say it on the outside, I had to swear like a storm trooper on the inside in order to cut through the crap.

I had a brief chance to be my natural feminine self about five years ago, and it was thrown in my face like you would not believe. I resisted for quite a while, but when you are surrounded by crack pot idiots who are destroying the world, it does not give me warm fuzzies. In fact, the more I am my natural feminine self, the more people demand that I "be a man, really" (because of those "past lives" you know). One of the most obscene beliefs of the New Age butt crack idiots is that people are "reincarnated" AND "gender switch." I curse people who promote that belief and treat people like they have known them in a past life. I CURSE THEM.

It would be nice to be feminine again. But feminine is something that only the rich can afford, or those who have an actual family of sane people surrounding them.