Sunday, April 6, 2008

More New Age detox and bad news

One of the saddest discoveries that I’ve made during the time that I investigated the so called “New Age” activities and beliefs is that secret societies are behind many of the love relationships in both celebrity and regular folks lives. It’s one of the top five reasons I have for despairing of the salvation of humanity. Yes, it is that serious. Here is how it works. There are powerful secret societies that, as I’ve explained in this blog before, believe in occult phenomena such as astrology and numerology, but they are especially dangerous and deluded because they also have one foot into the mainstream faiths, especially Christianity. They have what some call a “Gnostic” belief system, but what I prefer to think of as dirty faithless heretics. Some pretend to be very pious Christians, and to some extent they do “believe” in the love of Jesus Christ, for example, but they taint that love with putting their manipulation of life through occult means ahead of God’s will. Often they claim it is “God’s will,” or that God doesn’t exist except as some unifying universal “life force.” So you may meet a very “religious” person, but have no idea that behind the façade is a sorcerer wannabe. They have total access to personal data, through drivers’ license bureaus, birth certificates, medical and school records, insurance and banking, so they know everything about “anyone who is anyone.” They make special note of children born on what they consider significant astrology dates, or with their stupid belief in anagrams, they twist sounds of names and locations from which to squeeze daft insights about “past lives” or “karma.” They juggle, then, schools to which your children are admitted, what happens to them there, “guidance counselors” who “take an interest in encouraging your child in certain directions” and so forth. When a child becomes old enough for a love life, this is where it gets even uglier. They are experts at arranging “cute meets.” They set up the children of their own believers to “meet” kids that they have already designated as being “destined” to have a match. I know… it has happened in my own family. They thought I was too stupid to know that it’s happening, but I knew. I actually suspected this a long time ago, around 20 years ago. Friends and business colleagues of mine went through a string of very odd love life machinations, and I noted some clues that what was happening to them was contrived.
If you are a celebrity or have wealth or influence you can be sure that you have been targeted. Every day I read about someone in the paper and think, “How would they feel about their spouse if they knew that they were an undercover astrologer and had met and married them as part of a global manipulation by cults?” It makes me terribly sad. These cultists rationalize it by thinking they are performing a “matchmaking” service. They felt me out on my opinion in their usual manipulative way by asking what I thought of “arranged marriages.” Well, duh, arranged marriages have their place in traditional societies, but everyone knows it is being done and it is “transparent” in the context of that belief system and society. For example, I had good friends who are Pakistani and who had a traditional arranged marriage. But that’s not the same as pulling the records secretly of thousands of “marks” and then deciding to send a trial balloon beau, arranging a “beach house” or “bar” or “tourist” “meet,” where the stooge thinks that they are the luckiest guy or gal in the world to just bump into this wonderful person. They especially love it if the person had been “praying to God” to meet their “soul mate.” They play God, you see. If you should happen to tell anyone that you desperately wish for a soul mate, they manipulate it so it looks like that God answered your prayer. They do this for a few reasons. One is that they think they are “burning off” or “shifting” their own “karma” and “past lives.” The same people who criticized sincere prayers by Catholics with “x years of indulgence from purgatory promised” do much, much worse, by thinking that puppeteering other people’s lives “buys” them some advantage in their own lives. So if they think that they “knew you” from a past life and you therefore have a “connection” or a “beef,” they will manipulate you into relationships that they think “shift” the “energy” from these imaginary past associations. Except, of course, they are too wicked, greedy, dirty, stubborn and stupid to realize there are no “past lives” and no “reincarnation.” So suppose they imagine that you were someone who put them to death, or were put to death, by them in a previous life. They will match you up with someone they think is “following through” to that insane belief. If you aren’t shuddering now you ought to be. Yes, there are thousands of powerful people who believe this and ACT on it, totally and aggressively. The second reason they do it is to “prove” to themselves the “validity” of their “beliefs” and “test” the “validity” of the Abrahamic faiths (Jewish, Christian, Islam). They figure that if their way “works out good” then either God doesn’t “mind” or better yet, there is no God to be feared. They forget that God is not intervening in day to day sins and depravities other than as he always has, to provide access to grace and the Holy Spirit to pull your selves back from the abyss and repent before it is too late, and then in extreme cases, yes, he has to act and to smite. God knows all, of course, and knows that humans resist even the most severe chastisement and smiting, so these cultists derive false sense of security from not seeing an intolerable amount of smiting. The third reason they do this is that they believe they are the prince and princesses of earth, entitled to all the power and material wealth that they can extract. And so they match marry people based on what they think will be advantageous for material and/or informational purposes. It’s way beyond honey traps and pillow talk. Modern “power couples” are very influential on each other, and provide a lot of information to their cultist handlers. It’s like insider trading on crack. They think they are “insider trading” on the future of humanity, the Apocalypse, liberal agendas, and of course, good old day to day filthy lucre. This is why they arrange matches not only for celebrities and power brokers but also for “regular Joes and Marys.” Think of all the access to information and residences that, for example, repair people have as part of their jobs. Not only do regular folks have information but they act as ‘cannon fodder.” In other words, they are stooges who live in what the cultists consider “unlucky places,” or who have “bad things happen to them,” or who have a “guinea pig” role in what they think is “energy” that is “fated.” For example they will drive a nail or hook a certain way in someone’s house, thinking that it “represents” some sort of “karma balance.” In between puffs of weed these cultists seem to think something like this: “Well, this poor guy does not know that he was a bad Roman guard in a past life. And he has this bad karma but is too stupid to know it, since he believes in some dumb God and doesn’t ‘get it.’ So we will drive this nail in the wall of his house pointing toward his children’s heads in the kitchen, and that way we are such ‘good guys’ since we are ‘using up’ a ‘karma energy’ ‘for him.’” I wish I was kidding or writing a horror novel, but I’m writing horror nonfiction. So there are plenty of innocent people around the world who have a spouse, a relative, a friend, a boss, an employee, or a service person who is viewing this person as someone who “needs” to be manipulated because of your supposed “past lives” and “karma.” They won’t hesitate to cause a traffic accident, for example, if they think that they are “shifting energy” that would otherwise be “fated” to be even “worse.” They are truly insane.

But I don’t want to go into all the detail of their day to day destruction of the spirit and sanity of humanity because I am focusing on just one aspect of their depravity, which is the “arranged couplings.” Here’s how bad it is. They not only decide who their targets should meet and hook up with and marry, but they prevent the meetings of other more virtuous candidates. So they push their candidates forward and also make sure that you don’t meet someone who they are not controlling. Thus even if you “fall in love” in truth with their “candidate,” they make sure you don’t meet the person who God might genuinely have sent your way. Second, they don’t hesitate to go to work on you to change your gender identity. Yep, you read that right. I caught on to that when some “friends” of mine started “lesbian” conversations with me, one after the other. They “think” that “reincarnated” people “gender switch.” (I mean, worse than that, they think that reincarnated people copulate with their past lives parents and children, but that’s another disgusting story for another time). So they will “test” their “marks” by sending gay or lesbians to try to lure them into “discovering” their “true past life” “gender identities.” It is one thing to love and accept gay people. It’s another thing to use the gay agenda to try to recruit in the name of mythical insane “past life” “patterns” and “tendencies.” Third, they make sure that any children born are not raised in traditional fundamental faiths. They pass on their beliefs and “entitlement to manipulate” to their children. Many of the worst perpetrators of what I describe here are children who were raised with this belief system. Their own parents “gave” to their “children” the “reins” of spying on and manipulating their “stable” of “past life colleagues.” Like some sort of sick inheritance children “inherit” the “right” to snoop and manipulate people based on the false identities that their parents have taught them to believe.

Where do we go from here? Will undercover husbands or wives ever admit to their spouses that they married them on the instruction of astrology and other occult believing handlers? Will the cultists ever realize how they have destroyed the authenticity of human life? Will they stop doing this manipulation of love lives before it is too late and they are burned in the fires of hell for doing so? Those of you who are guilty, be assured that relatives of yours who have done these terrible things and who passed are assuredly burning in hell. Their unnatural pollution of spirit and soul can never even imagine that they would be allowed into paradise upon their deaths, and instead, chastisement is more severe and eternal.