Saturday, April 26, 2008

Article that matches one of my prayer intentions

In the Catholic faith a "prayer intention" is the cause to which your prayer for intercession is dedicated. So when someone prays for the "Pope's intentions," you are adding your prayer support to whatever the Pope has as his list of causes and concerns for that which he regularly prays. It is very powerful to pray to God and "offer up your prayer" to be joined to the intentions of the Holy Father. This is because without even knowing what his specific intentions are, you are trusting him and trusting in God to deliver what is the best and most good for all.

I too have regular prayer intentions. One of them is that the police who have to deal with terrible cases of child abuse and murder are strengthened by St. Michael the Archangel. St. Michael the Archangel is the role model for how one can deal with great tragedy and evil in the world, seeing terrible things done by terrible people, and still be able to retain purity and peace of mind. I am reminded of this when I read this article about detectives who are able to solve a case that is most cruel and tragic, and of how they feel when they must attend to such cases of child murder and abuse. Join in my intentions.