Thursday, May 29, 2008

Father Michael Pfleger needs Confession badly

It's one thing to favor a candidate, to think of one's self as an extra special liberal social activist, and even to be a loudmouth.

However, I really do not appreciate the behind the scenes game playing (with New Age tones) that I detect behind Father Michael Pfleger's actions for many years now.

This latest rant and mocking of Hilary Clinton (a fellow Christian, I must remind Father Pfleger... though maybe he doesn't consider himself a Christian) is about as un-Christian an act as anyone can do. Father Ffleger should be deeply ashamed of being a puppet for not Obama, but having assigned to himself some sort of numinous secret role in affairs of state, and I bet he knows exactly what I mean. I'd be happy to tell him to his face, though I think he ought to do some confessional work first with his superiors. And before his parishioners get all indignant, let me tell you that you deserve someone who is 100% Catholic and not serving two masters, one of whom is not Christian (and again, I don't mean Obama).