Monday, May 26, 2008

Mormon "proxy baptism" is a CULT belief

This article reports how the Catholic Church has forbidden parishes from providing birth and other records to Mormons for use in their genealogy database due to the Mormon desire to "baptize" into their LDS faith everyone, including the dead.

Friends, as Jesus said, those who are not against us are with us, when he told the disciples not to attack non-followers of Jesus who were nonetheless baptizing people in the name of Jesus. So I have refrained from being critical of the Church of Later Day Saints because I understand their love of Jesus. But the LDS Church is based on invalid personal revelation and further, proxy baptism is an example of their CULT non-Christian practice.

This is why it is CULT practice. To assume that baptizing someone who is dead has any disposition at all over their soul is assuming that your human actions have precedent over the judgement that God has already rendered on the soul upon the death of the person. The soul is not hanging around in some waiting room for a measly human to "decide" to "offer" them a baptism. The instant that a person dies they are rendered by God, PERIOD. To think that you have any control over or contact with a soul is an outrageous cult belief. I really have no patience with this.

Oh, and to those "inconvenienced" in their genealogy research? Screw your frigging genealogy research. It's not your ancestors that matter but how you live your life now. I like doing amateur genealogy research too, but I don't give a frig for doing it through them if it is just a front for cheap amoral cultists putting themselves over God.