Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Have "vampire" novelists to the young no shame?

I cannot believe that people are still "writing" and peddling romance/young people's "novels" that have characters that are vampires.

Is not the culture of the young depressed and empty enough without perpetuating the empty mythology of spiritual or physical vampires?

There is nothing else that you can write about but someone who is a vampire?

You have no responsibility for taking children's money and filling their minds with the angst of an existence of characters they care about that happen to be blood or spirit sucking vampires?

Have you no shame at all? You should. And you are so untalented and morally bankrupt that you cannot think of any other themes than vampires? You disgust me.

By the way, I know where many of you "authors" get your ideas from about "vampires" and just because someone who is your muse has tormented and depraved misbeliefs and thoughts does not mean you should believe them, encourage them, profit from them, and poison the minds of the young with those thoughts of your own. Our young have enough stress, despair and depression coupled with substance abuse and suicide temptations without your adding to the culture of death and the feeling of inability to tell reality from fantasy.

You are just pimps of despair in my opinion. Enjoy your money and your "glory" as an "author."