Thursday, May 29, 2008

What is worse than a monster among humans?

A robot, a human who has made of himself a totally artificial form of life and theology is worse than a monster. When one disconnects the basic principles of humanity there is nothing through which God can make his appeal for the person's salvation. Judas was "savable" if he had turned to God for forgiveness. Even Hitler could have been "savable" if he realized his delusion and turned to God before the end. But a robot can be told to his face that all he has to do to be saved by God is to become "real," to be human and acknowledge his failure, no matter how heinous the past sins or crimes, and that robot will still reject the facts that would give him salvation. When a human creates a robotic existence for himself and those around him he has removed the wiring through which God can make his appeal. The robot believes that he alone understands what is "really" going on and will defy God's appeal and God's timetable for the matters of the universe. A human monster still has the wiring to potentially bow his knee to the stronger power of God. The robot has unplugged that circuitry not only for himself but for others who support his artificial world. It is the most terrible and saddest thing I have ever seen. Those of you who participate in that robotic world are as much to blame as the "head" robot him or her self because you are unplugging God's grace and God's timetable from each other, including the children. This is part of what Jesus meant when he warned that sins against the Holy Ghost are unforgivable. Jesus was warning that those sins were essentially unplugging the capacity for salvation both for yourself and for others who follow or enable your example. It's not the same as "hanging up the phone" on God during a time of spiritual darkness, genuine unbelief or despair. It is far worse because it is removing the circuitry for the calls from God to even be made, for yourself and for your larger community of puppets, enablers and followers. To see people do this kills me in spirit far worse than anything physical or emotional that people have done, and continue to do, to torment me personally. Hell has infinite capacity and it is being filled with new members by the hour of those who promoted or benefited from this reduction of human capacity to communicate with God to robotry and disconnect. Plenty of "nice" people who deliberately disconnect from God go to hell along with the obviously depraved and wicked.

In the Gospel Jesus tells the story of the rich man named Lazarus (not the friend of Jesus who was raised from the dead) who went to hell because every day he passed by a starving man at the city gate. Lazarus wanted to warn his brothers still alive about the reality of hell, but that is not possible. Notice that Lazarus is in hell because of that one man he did not care about to stop and feed. Lazarus could very well have been an upright citizen and giver of alms in the rest of his life for all you know, because Jesus does not say and only refers to that one particular starving man whose wounds were even licked by dogs until he died. It is because Lazarus refused to feed THAT man, who GOD put there in his plain sight that Lazarus ended up in hell. Lazarus could well have given a big fat charity donation in his every day life but he refused to minister to the person GOD wanted him to help. Lazarus might even have been a "good family man" and "patron of the arts." But he refused to help the suffering man who was right in front of him that God counted on Lazarus to help. And so "good guys" end up in hell if they disconnect from the communication with God and pursue their artificial life. This is the horror and the reality that the dead and placed in hell Lazarus wanted to communicate to his still living brothers but cound not because there is no communication between hell and earth. This is one of the most important lessons that Jesus teaches and far from reaching people many, and you know who you are, have made a fake and plastic life around refusing to go where God wishes you to go and helping those that God wishes you to help. You worship your own sick pagan timetable instead of answering the RIGHT NOW for the HIM or HER of God. What has happened to the roboticizing of humanity is worse than any individual monstrous person or event that I know of throughout human history.