Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Meanwhile, I wish I was in China to help

Although I am there with the greatest spiritual attentiveness, I feel a great frustration and urge to be there in physical person to help with the earthquake recovery. People who are very child oriented and deeply love their families have gone through a terrible, terrible thing, something I, of course, deeply understand.

I also pray that those in China who have grown up in atheistic surroundings and who now experience this terrible loss can derive comfort from the knowledge that the tragic death of even one child surely does not end in nothingness. There is a heaven, there is a loving God, and all children there are treasured. Those who died to protect and save children are heroes in heaven, for Jesus said that no greater love is there than one who lays down his life for another.

Anyway, I continue to read the fine news coverage, praise the Chinese government leaders for their hands-on management and condolences in this tragedy, and pray for the best that can be achieved in rescue and recovery.