Thursday, January 24, 2008

Afro-American abortion quandry, important to read

As a follow up to what I wrote in the previous post, where I used abortion as an example of an area of a hypothetical person's doubt within their total faith, I need to explain why trust in God would have alleviated problems that seem insurmountable today.

It is estimated that between one-fourth and one-third of what would have been the current number of Afro-Americans has been aborted away over the past several decades. In other words, if there was no abortion there would be up to one-third more Afro Americans alive in America today.

To some this has rightfully resulted in a wake up call. But many Afro Americans are stuck "supporting abortion rights" because of their condition of broken homes and poverty or low income. Many who seek abortions argue they cannot afford another child, and I do not doubt the facts of this. But before we can find our way forward to a solution I need to educate you that it "did not have to be this way."

Abortion was not the inevitable outcome of societal evolution and progress. It was a fundamental values choice that was made by society at large. Actually I would argue that Afro Americans resisted this value shift longer than did more prosperous whites. It was the prosperous whites who first advocated for abortion, not the lower income oppressed Afro Americans. Afro Americans deserve credit for holding out against abortion for longer than their white counterparts. Whites started aborting as birth control, not because of economic hardship. Ironically the people who genuinely had massive economic hardship, the Afro Americans, resisted abortion for moral reasons far longer than did the whites who could "afford" children!

Once society bought into the propaganda of free sex and materialistic accumulation a critical choice was made to put convenience and self gratification ahead of the greater good of children and families. Society could have made a different choice. We could have created a family friendly economic system that would have contributed to the lifting of the poorer population, specifically Afro Americans, out of poverty and allowed them to have families and children in greater prosperity. If the United States had chosen reaffirmation of the top priority of children and families everyone's "boat would have floated" and Afro Americans would not be stuck in the "can't afford another child/need to abort" paradigm that they are in today. It was not "God's plan" that a society be fostered where abortion is birth control and those who most want children cannot afford them and live in high crime or fractured family structures. This was not "inevitable societal evolution."

The economy could have been, and would have been, more stimulated by economic fairness and generosity toward families than it has been in this dead end/service sector/export good jobs/use credit cards/import illegals "economic structure" that exists today. Vast more jobs, prosperity, social safety net, manufacturing and stable communities would have existed in a USA that chose life and shared prosperity for all families than the USA that exists today. It would take me less than a day and a night to write an essay about how the USA could have been today, vibrant, prosperous, safe, full of children and life, instead of the unbelievable Hollywood horror show that it has become for millions of people.

If you are going to be angry about something, my Afro-American friends, be mad about that. You should never have been put in the position where you "have to abort because you cannot afford another child." It never should have happened.