Sunday, January 27, 2008

The author of the Book of Ecclesiastes...

... is one of Joseph's ancestors that I list in my previous to this blog posting.

That is why the author of Ecclesiastes calls himself Coheleth, the Preacher (also meaning one who addresses the masses of people) and calls himself David's son, King in Jerusalem, yet the book was written much later than the time of David and Solomon. The author is one of the members of the invisible lineage of King David after the captivity in Babylon.

So you can take my affirmation of it that one of Joseph's great (etc) grandfathers is the Preacher Coheleth who wrote Ecclesiastes. And the last chapter of Ecclesiastes, the Epilogue, is written by the son of Coheleth (thus another of Joseph's ancestors since Babylon) at Coheleth's dictation in his old age and nearing his passing.

No I'm not going to say which ones they are ha ha. I know how people LOVE secrets :-) do they not?