Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Martin Luther King Day

I'm sure he'd be so proud, if he could look down from heaven today, to see that Afro-Americans have aborted one-fourth of their own population. I applaud members of his family who now recognize this abysmal failure in understanding what real "civil rights" really are about.

In 1971 I entered as a freshman in college and the first required course was "Oral Communication." Since all freshmen were required to take it in my college we got to meet people from other areas of study than our own. In my class was an Afro-American woman. She dressed in kind of military fatigue style and was very firm in her stances. I would have liked to get to know her, but she was not looking for friendship and I was pretty shy socially then, so I never would have pushed it. But we did speak once on the subject of quotas. Racial quotas was a very hot topic and viewed as a cutting edge solution to racial inequality. Anyway, while we were talking I prophesied that someday Afro-Americans would regret accepting a quota mentality. As expected she bristled until I explained what I meant. I told her, and others who were listening, that unless Afro-Americans pursued real equality and not a percentage or numeric number of success, they risked being defined by others as successful based on a number and held to that number, rather than being allowed to naturally float above that number. For example, if they have a ten percent quota in hiring program, everyone, including themselves, will view achieving ten percent as a success and the instinct will be to settle on ones laurels at that number. But, I said, who is to say that if there is true equality that in a natural way there might end up being ninety percent of the eventual employees being Afro-American? I prophesied that a numeric mental approach, regardless of the need for it in a specific hiring plan, will hinder the full achievement of potential for Afro-Americans. She heard me but of course no one really understood what I was saying.

And so while we have great successes in racial equality, the focus on numbers and having the "same thing as white people" instead of being better has resulted in whites and Afro Americans being "equal" all right... both celebrate leaders (Presidents Day, Martin Luther King) that if the folks they were celebrating were alive today they'd be booed off the stage because of their moral stances and emphasis on God. Both are now aborting large percentages of their own population out of existence. Both are increasingly dependent on service sector jobs, while productive jobs have been shipped overseas. And both have not only witnessed but pushed for the destruction of the family. I wish Afro-Americans had set their caps on being "better" than whites in their moral, community and family stances, rather than having accepted a percentage of the mainstream and liberal white secular and disintegrating of the social fabric agenda.

The irony of all this would make me laugh if there was anything to laugh about, which there isn't. Here I was urging Afro-Americans to not follow whites down the wrong path a full thirty six years ago! I "had their back" before that was even an expression. Yet for some reason I have been pulverized by individuals who think I have a racial agenda, even as I was urging them to be better than whites, not ten percent of being wrong along with whites.

Here is another example. In 1974 my husband at the time and I hosted a white couple we were friendly with who lived next door. The conversation turned to adoption. I argued strenuously that people should adopt even if it is cross racial. One of our guests agreed with me. My ex husband and the spouse of the other person vehemently disagreed. This became a heated and angry conversation. Today very few people criticize celebrities who adopt children of all races, while Afro American children who need adoption and love here in the USA languish in foster homes. How racist am I when a full thirty three years ago I argued with both whites and blacks that if a black family is not available then whites should step up and adopt and love children regardless of their color? Back then both whites and Afro Americans hated this idea, but the result speaks for itself. In a recent survey the entire idea of adoption was viewed as "less favorable" than having an abortion. And fewer intact families of either race exist to adopt the children who need love and fostering right here in the USA. In thirty years I watched society move from favoring adoption, but being resistent to cross racial adoption, to favoring abortion.

So welcome to the equality machine.

Ten years ago I was fired on Martin Luther King day (the first day back at work) after only six weeks on the job, in a job that I had been actively courted to accept in the first place. It turns out my hiring was all a political scam, where I was hired deliberately as a stooge to take a fall along with some other people. These were all whites involved, by the way. I'm just saying, welcome to people "celebrating a moral and civic leader" and then using "his day" to do their usual descpicable business. Just like Washington and Lincoln's days, business as usual... no God, no family, no patriotism, no love, no peace and prosperity, just another day to be a back stabber. And people think I've been the dummy! And people thought then that I wasn't the biggest fan and cheerleader any racial or gender group could ever have! Welcome to the machine.