Monday, January 21, 2008

More "new age" detox information

As my regulars know I devote much of my teaching time toward detoxing people from so called "New Age" beliefs. I spent around four years "undercover" in those circles, since "friends" and "acquaintances" pulled me in that direction and I decided to go along and try to find out why people were so hypnotized by this dog's vomit of "beliefs." I found out to my horror that not only do people "believe" this garbage but they are also secretly manipulating those around them based on at best superstition and at worst witchcraft. One persistent belief, that of "reincarnation" (which does not exist, period) is especially destructive because it ultimately causes an unconscious devaluing of human life and individuality. It's fascinating because the very people who claim they are so "authentic" and unique are actually less believing of a human being's one and only uniqueness than the average Joe with an average blue collar job who goes to work. I thought of an example, a mental exercise, to share with you today to illustrate this.

Today is Martin Luther King Day where we honor that great man. Surely he is in heaven, receiving his just reward, in the presence of Jesus Christ. In heaven he is still who he was but glorified. Everyone is glorified in heaven, you don't need to be a hero or a saint. Remember all babies, including the pre-born, are in heaven and their individual uniqueness and glory is equal to MLK, or any other great person. While people retain their individual soul and what we think of as "personality," all are glorified and equal in heaven, the Kingdom of God.

Now, if you were to be able to interview MLK in person, and you asked him, "Were you a perfect man? Did you lead a perfect life? Did you never sin or err?" would he not laugh at you and be the first to confess being a flawed human being? Of course he would. You'd probably get a good preaching to by him right then and there for asking such questions! He would explain that even with sin and error he received his salvation through the grace of God and through the merit of his deeds in God's name and for charity's sake. Grace and charity toward neighbor, in the belief and name of God, are the way to salvation and glorification in the presence of God.

OK, now pretend you are a "New Ager" who believes in "reincarnation." You would teach that MLK did not achieve perfection and total detachment and thus is going to be "reincarnated" to "perfect his lessons on earth." Um, what would MLK have to learn on earth (again) especially if according to the New Age version of reincarnation, you don't "remember" your past life unless you pay someone to explain it to you, and you can "figure it out by what psychological or medical conditions you have?" I'm not going to list human error and sins that MLK might have committed in his life. But if you believe the insane New Age dog vomit even though MLK was a great man, was the spirit and mover of the Civil Rights movement, raised a family, preached, AND was assassinated, MLK would lose his identity and go back in the reincarnation sausage machine. He'd "come back" in a fairly "high" reincarnation because he was a "good man," but nonetheless, he'd be back to be joyous or suffer in life, along the way encountering "stumbling blocks" that would "teach him lessons that he didn't learn in his 'MLK life' even though one does not in theory 'remember' the mistakes you are supposed to be 'learning to do better' anyway."

If you are not horrified enough at this thought, join along with me in the nightmare tunnel analysis a little longer. This belief means that God does not love the person exactly as they are when they arrive in heaven, because God sends that person's personality 'away' and plugs the soul into another round on earth. This is the opposite of God's true nature, who knows and loves even the individual hairs on a person's head (even if you were bald, lol). God loves each and every person exactly as they are. So this warped belief in "reincarnation" assumes that God is not pleased with anyone at all, since they must all go back into the sausage machine. In reality God loves and enjoys each person as a child of God that they are, and shares their interests and their experience in life, as humble as they are. You learn that by observing Jesus who loved to accompany his Apostles as they fished. Jesus would glean seed from the field with the disciples as they traveled and hungered. Would one of the disciples end up being "reincarnated" because their personality and their learning was not enough? Yet there are some people who have the nerve to "believe" that, to think that even saints are reincarnated. That is why I use MLK as the example because we can discuss a revered leader and man of God without getting into a whole saint and angel discussion, which always makes me so mad I'm ready to kick these people's tailbones right up their throats. Who thinks that St. Agnes or St. Francis are reincarnated into the bodies of extras on a movie set or insurance adjusters? Incredibly some people do. Hopefully less people do as my eyes turn into lasers and I have been screaming their stupidity to high heaven these past few years.

So a "reincarnated" MLK would have not found refuge and reward in heaven, but just be "getting ready" for his next "incarnation." Between puffs on their blunts these people actually believe there are like meeting rooms and flip charts in heaven where people "plan their own reincarnation and sign off on it." See, that way as you hurt someone you can blame them for their own pain by saying, "Well, this life is what you agreed to and wanted!"

Here is another horror thought. These maniacs might think that MLK would come back as a "woman" or other "type of person" so that he can "experience what that is like." They believe he would come back within his own circle of acquaintances and family. They would even believe (and here I suggest you get an airplane vomit bag, I sure needed one when I first heard this) that maybe he would "come back" at the same time as his assassin, and maybe they would "hook up." One two three *retch.* Yes, these people believe that fathers marry daughters, mothers sleep with sons, and victims hook up with their murderers in "future incarnations" because they can "learn their lessons" and because this is "fate and karma." Don't believe me or think I'm exaggerating? Nicole Kidman starred in a movie on this very subject just a few years ago, where her "dead husband was reincarnated into the body of the little boy next door." That's Hollywood visual child abuse by the way, but that's another subject.

So, who would like to go up to one of MLK's relatives and tell them that they look forward to his being reincarnated and maybe going to bed with a reincarnated persecutor of his?

I really regret disgusting anyone with this example and trust me, I've not enjoyed having knowledge of people with these beliefs. But I find that people with such beliefs are literally destroying large chunks of our society and morals, to say nothing of endangering many souls who follow along with this "belief" (which they teach to children no less). So it occurred to me to use this example of MLK, knowing that he would not "mind" if he knew, since he prays for souls to be saved too, since the shock value of his goodness, yet human flaws, would illustrate well the abomination of believing that anyone is "reincarnated" instead of receiving their eternal and just reward in the presence of God forever in heaven after their passing.