Friday, January 11, 2008

Calendar to go along with previous post

1 billion years ago single cell and simple life forms
500 million years ago proliferation of marine life
400 million years ago many new invertebrates forms of life
300 million years ago dense forests, explosion of marine life and bony fish species
200 million years ago crocodiles and dinosaurs
100 million years ago little mammals

OOOOOOOOOOK....... so when exactly did humans who could be considered "bad" or "good" arrive and who would have then implemented a "system" where people would "reincarnate" including into animals? Billions of individual life forms existed for a billion years prior to what could be considered "knowledge of good and evil humans" that would "experience karma"... um, so who exactly would be the first "bad karma guy" to go into the first cockroach? Ha ha ha, there's really no excuse for thinking that reincarnation has anything to do with facts and reality.