Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Crack addict dad kills his 4 infants,0,4885801.story


I have repeatedly warned over the past 30 years that drug addictions will destroy humankind as sure as any asteroid or "alien invasion."

And here is the really pathetic thing. This loser was arrested in October on crack possession and the "grand jury had not acted yet." If the lazy bloated stupid legal "system" had put this crack addict in jail right away these FOUR BABIES (aged a few months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years) would be alive today.


By the way, if I was chatting around the water cooler I'd mention that I read the news in Iran and Saudi daily and do not shed a tear or turn a hair of my head whenever I read that drug dealers are executed. Period.

How does a woman survive the murder of her four babies? Prayers for her and the rest of her family.