Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My views about time on Internet, TV, video

I consider watching TV, videos, and being on the Internet a waste of time, no matter how worthy the quality, if one is not also doing something else at the same time. I don't mean this in an overachiever kind of way. But in the "olden" days when all we had was TV, I rarely just sat there and watched the TV. I read a book at the same time, did needlework or other sewing and hand crafts, and even did my "housework" or organizing then. It was also the time when the family dogs would get play, petting and attention.

I do think that watching a TV program together as a family is a worthy activity. I wonder if that still happens, I hope it does.

Now I don't own a TV so I listen to sports radio on my XM satellite radio. I used to enjoy listening to news channels but since both the news and the reporting have become so false, they are hard to abide anymore. So I listen to sports radio a lot because it's hard to distort that. Still, I keep busy with other things while listening.

Not having a TV I get my news from the Internet. I have a keen interest in global events, both news and morality/religious matters. I have about two dozen regular news sites around the world that I run through most days. This means a lot of time on the Internet at a sitting, but just like TV, I do something else while on the Internet. I have my laptop computer located on my arts and crafts table, so I am continually working on design and production of my handcrafts while on the Internet.

Friends and family are false on the Internet, so I've stopped being sociable on the Internet. If I was still married and with a family I'd not be on the Internet at all, even for my global news. I'd go back to hearing what is going on through the public square. The only reason I have this blog is because I've learned that unless I spell out my opinions in A-B-C and 2+2=4 people conclude that I don't care or have the opposite viewpoints of what I really think. It's strange to find out that silent spies are so stupid that they cannot conclude that, for example, the fact I never took drugs (not even a puff in college when surrounded by them), married someone also anti-drug, and do not associate with drug abusers, that maybe I might, you know, actually be vehemently against drugs. This is just one example of the need I have to spell it out for the definitely not-Einsteins.

I think everyone needs to wean themselves off of TV, Internet, video and electronic devices in general. It is obvious the enormous lack of balance and problems that has been introduced via the TV, Internet, movies written and produced by depressives, and videos and their games. If you must have it on, resist the urge to focus on it 100 percent and do something else, putting the electronic media in the background as "company" for what you are doing.

The REAL real world is much more productive and healthy for the body and soul than the contrived world of "entertainment."