Friday, January 11, 2008

Sin "body doubles" equally liable for sins

There is news in the press today about a popular young people's entertainer who uses a body double, to pretend to be her, for several minutes during a dance number during her act. News of this type regularly crops up as actors and performers employ "doubles" for both performance or security reasons.

People need to wake up, however, to use of other people to commit sins, and their willingness to do so. Many people are doing sinful things (often based on superstitious and would-be wanna-be sorcerers' beliefs) and employing others to be their "arms" "legs" and "voices." Those who are employed to do so need to understand they are equally liable for the sin they are "body doubling" for, even if it is a "small" amount or deed in their mind.

Years ago I found the purse of a teenager who was employed to save empty packages of cigarettes and place them in locations to look like they were discarded. I will skip over the why's of someone who would employ someone to do this, but you can imagine why a package with a certain label might be left in front of someone's house. The young girl might claim that the worse she is guilty of is littering. But that is an error: the worse she is guilty of is enabling whatever sin the planner is executing. So they share in the same sin, just as in law the "get away car driver" is liable for the crime committed inside a burglarized home. This young lady will, when judgment comes to her, be evaluated for participating in the larger sin.

This is not unfair because the person is being asked to do something unnatural (not done in error and for obviously surreptitious reasons) so anyone older than a child would understand that deeds done in secret are never for the sake of good.

There is a veritable army of people being paid to be sin "body doubles." I see examples every day and have studied this for quite a while. They need to understand that "even if" they are "only littering in a certain place" they are responsible for participation in the greater sin.

Let me leave you with one more way to understand this. I tried, unsuccessfully, to explain this to my former best friend. I accused her of being part of this sort of sin body doubling. She denied it. She admitted knowledge of this sort of thing by saying that it was harmless "reality show" behavior. She said her son, my godson, for example, as a "college film project" pretended to "hit on" (flirt for the purpose of obtaining sex) a woman in a bar so they could film her reaction. It was only a prank, and a film project, says my best friend (a school teacher by the way, so this is the mentality of teachers of your children, where are the morals?) I replied, how do you know the purpose of the planner of this project, and how do you know the history of the poor woman who is the target? What if she had been raped in her past and the purpose of this project, intended or not, was to terrorize her by perhaps wearing clothes like that of her rapist, or recreating circumstances? If so, my ex-godson is just as guilty of the worst sin because he is enabling it by being a "body double." Likewise, leaving packs of cigarettes were an act of body double terrorism. I know because it first came to my attention as people left the packs that my deceased father used to smoke on the paths I used to walk around the local lake. Can anyone tell me what would be the non-sinful and non-terrorist reason for doing that? It was shortly after that incident that I found the purse with the packages and money that she used in her sin "body double business."

Folks, those of you engaging in even the most "minor" of this work, even if they lie to you and say it is for "holy" reasons, or "market research" reasons, or to "test the public services people who control litter," for whatever reasons, you must know better that anything surreptitious is by nature wrong, and you are participating (and will be judged, and doomed) for the same sins as the planners. Also, what you participate in doing to someone else, the Lord will allow to have happen to you and your own family, and your children, in turn. Satan will be able to "use" someone to sin body double you and your family because you will have created a society where Satan is unrestrained in these matters. You only need to look on the Internet and see what is happening as a direct result of this sin body double work. Remember, I warned you.