When one is on the boundaries of heaven in communication with God and his angels, you see things the way they do, to the degree that it is possible. What I mean is that you see the truthful essence of an event or matter. When God looks at a human, for example, he does not see your rap sheet with your full name, aliases and vital information (date of birth and so forth). He sees the essence of your spirit, your soul, and your soul the way is it shaped by your life thus far. Likewise people who are invited into a true prophetic experience, such as John, see the essence of what transpires, not the nuts and bolts earth based events. Therefore John says things such as "sparkling like jasper and carnelian" Revelation 4: 3 yet those stones are not at all sparkling bling in reality. John uses the word "like" because he is describing an essence using human terms. Here he is saying that two dull types of semi precious gem seem to sparkle as a way of describing the one who sits on the throne of heaven. People who take things "literally but with their own twist" might think, wow, God is made out of a variety of stone of the same chemical composition (or color) of jasper and carnelian that humans have not yet discovered because it sparkles! During the times that scriptures were lived and written people did not twist and distort the holy word and experiences to fit into their own brains and experiences. That is a modern vice.
A while later John sees "a Lamb that seemed to have been slain." Notice again that John wrote that the Lamb "seemed" to have been slain. He did not write that in the year XYZ on earth there was a slain lamb that will take place during the end of times, and it has 7 horns. Quick, genetic engineers, get to work! I wish I was joking but I am seeing more and more how totally whacked out people have become in reading the Bible with their own, not God's, agenda. Again, John is able to see the essence of matters the way that God, the angels, and the worshiping elders are able to see them. John is NOT observing a futuristic film of events that will happen on earth. He is viewing heaven's stance toward earth just prior to the Second Coming.
Now, understanding this you can better understand the woman and the baby and the pursuing dragon. It is the stance of God and heaven that "Mary" and "Jesus" (Jesus being the Word of God) are being pursued by a ravening dragon. There are NOT three biological figures running around on earth! What John sees is how God perceives the state of events on earth among humanity. He perceives that the Mother of the Church (Mary) is trying to give birth to Jesus (the word of God) while being pursued by the dragon (who represents false religion and the persecution of the true faith). John is "looking over God's shoulder" and seeing the essence of where the earth and humanity are in the time just before the Second Coming, and John is observing what God's "stance" is toward humanity via the actions of the angels.
The woman "gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod. Her child was caught up to God and his throne. The woman herself fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God, and there she might be taken care of for twelve hundred and thirty days" (Revelation 12: 5-6). *Sighs deeply before typing, still incredulous that I should have to explain this* Mary has already given birth to Jesus, Jesus was destined to rule the nations, Jesus was caught up to God and his throne (resurrected) and Mary after the span of her life on earth was also taken up to heaven. We know all that; it already occurred.
But what John is seeing is the essence of humanity and their actions and stance just before the Second Coming, and God's stance toward the attitude of humanity. Humanity has empowered a dragon with "seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven diadems" (Revelation 12: 3) because the dragon represents "Satan, who deceived the whole world" (Revelation 12: 8). Humanity has followed the deception of Satan who is able to pursue Mary. Dummies, Satan in a red costume is not chasing around a reincarnated Mary on earth. Humans who follow a false set of Ten Commandments (the ten horns) and false divinity (seven heads with seven crowns, seven being a holy number of God and thus is copied and mocked by the devil, not meaning a genetically engineering seven headed dragon or seven humans who think they are divine) pursue the woman (the purity of the Church and Mother of the Word of God).
How do we know this? Remember that John belonged to a world that was still pastoral and agricultural, and he observes that "the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she could fly to her place in the desert, where, far from the serpent, she was taken care of for a year, two years, a half year" (Revelation 12: 14). These are all agricultural references. Remember that in the desert two things happen. One is that seeds lie hidden in the dry ground until the rains fall in their time. The other is that there are oases where the traveler finds water, shade and comfort. During these times God observes that the Church must be like the desert, where it is both dormant seeds that need to renew, and that he has prepared a place in the desert for the woman like an oasis. This is why John perceives three time frames, a year (one agricultural cycle), two years (there are some plants that are biannual), and a half year (two seasons, such as a planting and growing, or a growing and a reaping, or a reaping and a fallow, or a fallow and a planting). These aren't literal human days where some reincarnated Mary is running around on earth with some idiotic blasphemers in pursuit.
I'm not going to go through and spell out the rest of it for you, as you either get it or you don't. I'm only trying to address one incredibly prevalent twisted "write yourself into the Bible" heresy that I have repeatedly observed. This totally blinds you to the reality of what God is showing John and I have no hope for modern humanity who distort God's word so much to "make it all about themselves." Satan could not have asked for easier pickings.