Thursday, January 10, 2008

Another child suicide due to bullying;jsessionid=FE2PNEJQ3GPM5QFIQMGSFFOAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2008/01/10/ngirl110.xml


I have a lot of ideas about what to do about bullying, and of course handling the root causes of it. But I just want to give a single emotional response right now. I think any school that has a bullying problem should as punishment to the entire school body impose a school uniform system and dress code. If there is such a culture then obviously the students are not behaving in a way that they merit the right to have their own choice of style and dress. I put that under advisement to any school grappling with this problem. Nothing talks quicker to maturity of students than taking away one of the very privileges that they use to oppress and harm others. Let's see how the sharp dressers like a nice white blouse and full navy blue skirt. I've had this opinion for about 30 years (if anyone had asked me I'd have told them this would be a very fast and effective remedy). And big mouth lads look very nice in a white button down shirt, dark trousers and a necktie.