Friday, July 6, 2007

Climate Change Key Points

I'm so tired of the "climate change" hijacking because 1) it is ruining intelligent consideration of genuine environmental needs and 2) just like Jimmy Carter's fireside chat in the 70's instead of looking for solutions that lift everyone's quality of life, it's just another excuse for the "haves" to take from the "have nots."

Here are some key points. I'm not going to write in detail about it because I'm sick of talking to myself!

1. There is climate change. It cannot just be quantified by artificial measurements of thermometers in a few places showing average trends. But yes, there is a "warming trend" to the earth.

2. The primary reason the earth's climate changes is resulting from changes in the sun's output, plus natural cycles of the internal heating in the earth.

3. Human pollution is having an impact on climate change, but is not the cause of climate change. It's like putting ugly icing on a natural cake.

4. The most urgent problem with human pollution (both carbon emissions and others) is that there is human made "climate change" in what are known as micro-climates. There are intense areas that are subject to being impacted by cars and so forth, plus being paved with asphalt and concrete. Everyone knows that cities and congested traffic areas get hot and polluted. That is where the attention ought to be paid... how areas of intense emissions are like little human made hurricanes of warming activity. This does impact on regional weather patterns.

5. There is no "one answer" or "magic bullet" and in fact, as can be seen, total commitment to only one solution has bad consequences, such as ethanol farming's adverse effect on food farming.

6. Instead of emphasizing people having to give up technology or energy consumption, there should be development of clean energy. Nuclear energy is the big elephant in the room that everyone got hysterical about, but should have been used as the backbone of every country's power grid.

7. Coal is also a natural gift and should not be looked down on. If development toward clean coal and mining safety had been emphasized instead of fought the past 20 years, we'd also be far ahead of this problem. Send some free expertise and safety equipment to China and Russia instead of complaining about them using their own resources to lift their own people's poverty.

8. Here's the big problem... while climate change is a natural earth cycle, independent of humans, humans have seriously damaged their own and the flora and fauna's ability to adapt and evolve to climate change. By over hunting and habitat destruction, flora and fauna cannot adjust to the natural earth cycle climate change, say nothing of local or micro climate change that results from either human's activities or neglect. This is the heart of the reason why the natural order of earth is headed to ruin. Because of the destruction of habitat and lack of management where it could be augmented, flora and fauna are unable to adapt to climatic and other stresses, the way they used to.

9. Over the past thirty years resources should have been poured into developing wells in poor areas and wise water management so that vulnerable areas around the world can get through times of drought, which are inevitable.

10. Carbon credits and all that other BS is just financial devices to make money. Don't waste any time with that. Instead, industries, nations, and communities need to work in parallel to implement real change in their own back yards. If people work to restore as much of natural habitat as possible, and implement wise water and air management, the results will multiple geometrically in value. Trading "doing something about carbon emissions" with someone who is "not doing something about it" is just a stalling and money making ploy. Making children feel scared and guilty and panicked that they need to run out and plant trees is just wrong. Odds are that unless a local plan to restore habitat (and the air) is developed with wisdom and understanding of sometimes the counterintuitive nature of how planetary ecology works, mistakes will worsen the problem (like planting the wrong types of trees for a habitat.)

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