Monday, July 9, 2007

Me versus stinging bug

Just now I killed a stinging looking bug that was running around on my window. I ain't a Buddhist. Anyway, I grabbed the first book that was available. It was "Parish Priest" by Douglas Brinkley, the story of Father Michael McGivney. Anyway despite my hitting the bug hard, the freaking thing leaped at me and got caught inside the pages of the book. So I slam the book shut and press hard. I felt I had the situation under control so I didn't go for the baseball bat (which I used with great effect a few weeks ago when I mistook a tiny land crab for a huge nasty spider.) Anyway, I open the book up and look cautiously through, and sure enough, the bug is squished on page 102. It is squished over the paragraph that reads, starting on page 101:

The Foresters went away grousing, "I don't understand why the priest objected," said one named John Rosinus. "Bishop [John Joseph] Williams of Boston, I see by the papers, has advised the Catholics, if they join (squashed bug) a secret society, to join the Foresters and has started a Catholic Foresters in his diocese. If this is the case, I think Father McGivney altogether in the wrong."

No secret society bugs allowed here ha ha ha.

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